The Worst Pick Up Lines You'll Ever Hear


What are the worst pick up lines you've ever heard?

Horrible pick up lines are chat-up lines that are so bad, they're actually funny. They're often cheesy, awkward, or just plain weird. But for some reason, we can't help but love them. After all, who doesn't enjoy a good cringe?

There are many different types of horrible pick up lines. Some of the most popular include:

  • The cheesy line: This type of line is typically over-the-top and romantic. It's the kind of line that you would expect to hear in a bad rom-com.
  • The awkward line: This type of line is just plain uncomfortable. It's the kind of line that you say when you don't know what else to say.
  • The weird line: This type of line is just plain strange. It's the kind of line that you say when you're trying to be funny, but you just end up coming across as creepy.

No matter what type of horrible pick up line you use, there's no guarantee that it will work. But if you're lucky, you might just get a laugh. And who knows, you might even get a date.

So if you're looking for a way to make a bad impression, try using a horrible pick up line. Just don't be surprised if you don't get the results you were hoping for.

horrible pick up lines

Horrible pick up lines are a staple of bad dating culture. They're cheesy, awkward, and often just plain weird. But for some reason, we can't help but love them. After all, who doesn't enjoy a good cringe?

  • The cheesy line: Over-the-top and romantic, like something out of a bad rom-com.
  • The awkward line: Uncomfortable and cringe-worthy, like something you'd say when you don't know what else to say.
  • The weird line: Strange and creepy, like something you'd say if you were trying to be funny but just came across as creepy.
  • The desperate line: Obvious and needy, like something you'd say when you're really desperate for a date.
  • The sexual line: Inappropriate and offensive, like something you'd say if you were trying to get laid.
  • The unoriginal line: Overused and boring, like something you've heard a million times before.
  • The unfunny line: Not even funny, just plain bad.

No matter what type of horrible pick up line you use, there's no guarantee that it will work. But if you're lucky, you might just get a laugh. And who knows, you might even get a date. But be warned: using a horrible pick up line is a risky move. If you're not careful, you could end up embarrassing yourself or even scaring the other person away.

So if you're thinking about using a horrible pick up line, just be sure to do it with caution. And remember, there are plenty of other ways to meet people and start a conversation without resorting to cheesy or awkward lines.

The cheesy line

The cheesy line is a staple of horrible pick up lines. It's the kind of line that is so over-the-top and romantic that it can't help but make you cringe. But for some reason, we can't help but love them. After all, who doesn't enjoy a good cringe?

  • Exaggerated Emotion: Cheesy lines often rely on exaggerated emotions to create a sense of romance. They might tell you that you're the most beautiful person they've ever seen, even if they just met you. Or they might say that they've been waiting their whole life to meet you, even though they don't know anything about you.
  • Clichd Language: Cheesy lines often use clichd language that has been used in countless rom-coms and love songs. They might tell you that you're their "destiny" or that they "can't live without you." This kind of language can be endearing, but it can also be a bit much.
  • Lack of Originality: Cheesy lines are often unoriginal and overused. You've probably heard them all before, which can make them feel insincere.
  • Inappropriate Timing: Cheesy lines can also be inappropriate, especially if they're used in a situation that doesn't call for them. For example, it's probably not a good idea to use a cheesy line on someone you've just met.

Despite their flaws, cheesy lines can still be effective. If you use them with caution and in the right context, you might just be able to win someone over. But be warned: cheesy lines can also be a major turn-off if they're not used correctly. So use them at your own risk!

The awkward line

The awkward line is a staple of horrible pick up lines. It's the kind of line that makes you cringe just to hear it. But why are these lines so awkward? And why do we find them so irresistible?

  • Lack of social skills: People who use awkward pick up lines often lack social skills. They may not know how to start a conversation or keep it going. As a result, they may say things that are unintentionally awkward or cringe-worthy.
  • Desperation: Awkward pick up lines can also be a sign of desperation. People who use these lines may be so desperate for a date that they're willing to say anything, even if it's awkward or embarrassing.
  • Nerves: Sometimes, people use awkward pick up lines because they're nervous. They may not know what to say, so they blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. This can often lead to awkward or cringe-worthy results.
  • Sense of humor: Some people use awkward pick up lines because they have a sense of humor. They may not be trying to be funny, but they find the awkwardness of their lines to be amusing.

Whatever the reason, awkward pick up lines are a staple of bad dating culture. They're the kind of lines that we can't help but cringe at, but we also can't help but love. After all, who doesn't enjoy a good cringe?

The weird line

The weird line is a staple of horrible pick up lines. It's the kind of line that makes you cringe just to hear it. But what makes these lines so weird? And why do we find them so irresistible?

  • Lack of social awareness: People who use weird pick up lines often lack social awareness. They may not be able to read social cues or understand what is appropriate to say in a given situation. As a result, they may say things that are strange or creepy.
  • Mental health issues: Some people who use weird pick up lines may have mental health issues. These issues may make it difficult for them to interact with others in a socially appropriate way. As a result, they may say things that are strange or creepy.
  • Substance abuse: People who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol may be more likely to use weird pick up lines. These substances can impair judgment and make it difficult to think clearly. As a result, people who are under the influence may say things that are strange or creepy.
  • Sense of humor: Some people use weird pick up lines because they have a sense of humor. They may not be trying to be funny, but they find the weirdness of their lines to be amusing.

Whatever the reason, weird pick up lines are a staple of bad dating culture. They're the kind of lines that we can't help but cringe at, but we also can't help but love. After all, who doesn't enjoy a good cringe?

The desperate line

The desperate line is a staple of horrible pick up lines. It's the kind of line that makes you cringe just to hear it. But what makes these lines so desperate? And why do we find them so irresistible?

  • Lack of confidence: People who use desperate pick up lines often lack confidence. They may feel like they have to say something over-the-top or attention-grabbing in order to get noticed. As a result, they may say things that are needy or desperate.
  • Low self-esteem: People with low self-esteem may also use desperate pick up lines. They may feel like they're not good enough for anyone, so they try to compensate by saying things that are desperate or needy.
  • Fear of rejection: People who are afraid of rejection may also use desperate pick up lines. They may feel like they have to say something desperate in order to get someone to like them. As a result, they may say things that are needy or desperate.
  • Sense of humor: Some people use desperate pick up lines because they have a sense of humor. They may not be trying to be funny, but they find the desperation of their lines to be amusing.

Whatever the reason, desperate pick up lines are a staple of bad dating culture. They're the kind of lines that we can't help but cringe at, but we also can't help but love. After all, who doesn't enjoy a good cringe?

The sexual line

The sexual line is a staple of horrible pick up lines. It's the kind of line that makes you cringe just to hear it. But what makes these lines so inappropriate and offensive? And why do some people use them?

There are many reasons why someone might use a sexual pick up line. Some people may be trying to get laid, while others may simply be trying to be funny. However, it's important to remember that sexual pick up lines are never appropriate. They can make the other person feel uncomfortable, objectified, or even violated.

If you're thinking about using a sexual pick up line, please reconsider. There are plenty of other ways to meet people and start a conversation without resorting to inappropriate or offensive language.

Here are some examples of sexual pick up lines:

  • "Hey, do you want to come back to my place and watch a movie?"
  • "Are you lost? Because heaven is a long way from here."
  • "I'm not a hoarder, but I really want to keep you forever."

These lines are all inappropriate and offensive because they objectify women and reduce them to sexual objects. They also make the assumption that the other person is interested in sex, which is not always the case.

If you're ever in doubt about whether or not a pick up line is appropriate, it's best to err on the side of caution and avoid it. There are plenty of other ways to meet people and start a conversation without resorting to inappropriate or offensive language.

The unoriginal line

Unoriginal pick up lines are a staple of bad dating culture. They're the kind of lines that you've heard a million times before, and they're usually pretty boring. But why are these lines so unoriginal? And why do people keep using them?

  • Lack of creativity: People who use unoriginal pick up lines often lack creativity. They may not be able to come up with anything original or interesting to say, so they resort to using lines that they've heard before.
  • Social anxiety: People with social anxiety may also use unoriginal pick up lines. They may be afraid of saying something that is too original or different, so they stick to lines that they know are safe.
  • Peer pressure: People may also use unoriginal pick up lines because their friends or peers are using them. They may feel like they need to use these lines in order to fit in.
  • Cultural norms: In some cultures, it is considered to be acceptable to use unoriginal pick up lines. These lines may be seen as a way to show interest in someone without being too forward.

Whatever the reason, unoriginal pick up lines are a staple of bad dating culture. They're the kind of lines that we can't help but cringe at, but we also can't help but love. After all, who doesn't enjoy a good cringe?

The unfunny line

The unfunny line is a staple of horrible pick up lines. It's the kind of line that makes you cringe just to hear it. But what makes these lines so unfunny? And why do people keep using them?

  • Lack of humor: The most obvious reason why unfunny pick up lines are so bad is that they simply lack humor. They're not clever, they're not witty, and they're not even funny. They're just plain bad.
  • Bad timing: Even a good pick up line can be ruined by bad timing. If you use a pick up line at the wrong time or in the wrong context, it can come across as awkward or even creepy.
  • Delivery: The way you deliver a pick up line can also make a big difference. If you don't deliver it with confidence and charisma, it will likely fall flat.
  • Audience: It's also important to consider your audience when using a pick up line. What might be funny to one person might be offensive to another. So it's important to be mindful of your audience and choose your pick up lines accordingly.

Despite all of these factors, unfunny pick up lines continue to be a staple of bad dating culture. They're the kind of lines that we can't help but cringe at, but we also can't help but love. After all, who doesn't enjoy a good cringe?

FAQs about "horrible pick up lines"

If you're looking for some truly awful pick up lines, you've come to the right place. We've compiled a list of the worst pick up lines we could find, so you can use them to make a bad impression on your next date.

Question 1: What are some of the most common types of horrible pick up lines?

Answer: There are many different types of horrible pick up lines, but some of the most common include the cheesy line, the awkward line, the weird line, the desperate line, the sexual line, the unoriginal line, and the unfunny line.

Question 2: Why are horrible pick up lines so popular?

Answer: Horrible pick up lines are popular for a number of reasons. Some people find them funny, while others use them as a way to break the ice. Additionally, some people may use horrible pick up lines as a way to get attention or to make a statement.

Question 3: Are horrible pick up lines ever effective?

Answer: Horrible pick up lines can be effective in some situations. For example, if you're using them to be funny or to make a statement, they may be well-received. However, it's important to remember that horrible pick up lines can also be offensive or creepy, so it's important to use them with caution.

Question 4: What are some tips for using horrible pick up lines?

Answer: If you're going to use horrible pick up lines, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, make sure you're using them in a situation where they're likely to be well-received. Second, be mindful of your audience and choose your pick up lines accordingly. Third, deliver your pick up lines with confidence and charisma.

Question 5: What are some of the worst horrible pick up lines you've ever heard?

Answer: We've heard a lot of horrible pick up lines over the years, but some of the worst include:
- "Are you lost? Because heaven is a long way from here."
- "Do you want to come back to my place and watch a movie?"
- "I'm not a hoarder, but I really want to keep you forever."

Question 6: Why do people use horrible pick up lines?

Answer: People use horrible pick up lines for a variety of reasons. Some people use them to be funny, while others use them as a way to break the ice. Additionally, some people may use horrible pick up lines as a way to get attention or to make a statement.

Summary: Horrible pick up lines are a popular way to make a bad impression on a date. They can be funny, offensive, or just plain weird. If you're going to use horrible pick up lines, be sure to use them in a situation where they're likely to be well-received. And remember, the worst horrible pick up lines are the ones that are so bad, they're actually funny.

Next: Want to learn more about the history of horrible pick up lines? Click here to read our next article.


Horrible pick up lines are a popular way to make a bad impression on a date. They can be funny, offensive, or just plain weird. While some people use them to be funny or to break the ice, it's important to remember that they can also be offensive or creepy. If you're going to use horrible pick up lines, be sure to use them in a situation where they're likely to be well-received.

The popularity of horrible pick up lines is a reminder that there is no one right way to flirt. What works for one person may not work for another. The most important thing is to be yourself and to be respectful of the other person.

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